Nose job presents the vision of a plastic surgeon.
Although the nose job is one of the most frequently performed operations, it is a surgery about which there is the biggest information pollution. I will try to give you clear informations in this essay.
Preparation before operation
In the first meeting, I always have the requests of the patient and try to understand down to the last detail what type of nose the patient desires. On the second stage, I examine the nose in detail and inform the patient about the eventual shape the nose would have after the operation. The most worrying situation for me would be to misguide my patient and to give redundant promises. I am completely against Photoshop animations. As a doctor uses the Photoshop effectively, so he might draw a good nose shape, but be sure that whoever treats the nose, the result of the operation will not be the same as the Photoshop picture. I, Cem Payaslı, approve it more to present the pictures of recent patients with their permission since there is apparently a concrete result.
Operation process
If the patient has some breathing difficulties through the nose for whatever reasons, I am additionally performing Septoplasty (correcting the deviation in the nose for more qualified inhaling) during the same operation. The patient is operated in the morning. The operation lasts about 1 to 2 hours, and ice is applied to eyes after the surgery. It is most likely that the patient will not have pain after the operation. Instead of pain, the patient may have dull aches.
What will be my condition after operation?
The patient is hosted in hospital for one night in order to increase his/her comfort and is discharged from the hospital the next morning. On the third day following the operation, the patient is asked to come for checkup. At the present time, splints with silicone airways have supplanted the gauze packings which have been both the patients' and as well as our nightmare. This alteration in surgery technique is revolutionary. Since the silicone does not cling here and there, the patient does not get hurt. Patients only experience the feeling of taking out the silicone. I am not inserting nasal tampons into some of my patients' noses if they haven't been treated with Septoplasty. At the end of one week, the second checkup is done, nose splint is removed, and nose tape is applied. The next process is natural recovery process. At the end of one month, the patient is invited to take after pictures, and these are compared with pictures before operation by juxtapositioning them.
The last words I prefer to say for you to keep in mind are those: "BEAUTIFUL NOSE IS NATURAL NOSE."
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