Chin Plastic Surgery

Chin Plastic Surgery
It is the surgical name for the overcoming people's problems which occur on the upper or lower chin congenitally or as a result of an accident. The treatment performed in chin surgery includes the operations such as chin rasping, chin augmentation, chin reduction and moving the jaw back or forth. The best treatment for the patients with lower chin retrusion is the chin prosthesis. According to the size of the prosthesis, the surgeon will prefer to use, it is implanted through a little cut from inside of the mouth or under the chin.
The operation lasts about one hour, and it is performed under general anaesthesia. The patient is expected to stay in hospital for one night. The most important point to consider in this treatment is that the patient needs to protect himself/herself against possible impacts on his/her chin within this one-week period. At the end of this one-week period, the patient may easily get back to his/her social life.
And in pogonion reduction treatment, chin section is rasped and harmonised more with the whole face.